Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've been tagged

Gennie tagged me so here we go... it took me a few days, but at least I got it done!!

8 Favorite TV Shows
1. American Idol
2. The Bachelor (Shhh)
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. Monk
5. Really don’t
6. watch
7. too much
8. TV

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Got Up EARLY L for a meeting.
2. Took a nap before church J
3. Went to Church
4. Finished my cards
5. Met Jodi @ Lakepoint so she could make her cards!
6. Read some in my book “No Angel”
7. Played a game on my computer
8. Watched the Oscars

8 Things I Look Forward To
1. Spring!!!!!
2 Overnighter with Jodi
3. Going to see Cher for our anniversary
4. Going to Hawaii
5. Going to see KC & Gen in Boston
6. Women’s Conference
7. Being consistent with exercise
8. Spring!!

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Winger’s
2. Mimi’s Cafe
3. The Cheesecake Factory
4. Café Trang
5. Café Rio
6. Applebee’s
7. Archibald’s
8. Sizzler

8 Things on My Wish List
1. Spring!!
2. Paris , France (Tour de France)
Not participating just watching
3. More spare time
4. I-Phone
5. More time with family
6. Box of Chocolates
7. More time to play
8. To live another 44 years & 14 days

8 people I tag.... Cherri, Shauna, Dawn, Danielle, Brittney, Wendy, Erin, Stacie, Hilary N.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

San Francisco

The Beautiful Golden Gate Bridge

John and Brian making the girls nervous!!

Part of the crew with the designer of the bridge.

Woops, you get this one twice. Still learning!! :)

One of these "5 painted ladies" is the "Full House" house

The next few are some beautiful homes we saw in San Francisco

This is the cemetary that my Aunt & Uncle are buried - I thought this tree and the headstones were beautiful.

It's hard to believe but I am finally blogging. I finally was able to download some pictures. Instead of trying to make up for lost time I am just starting from here forward. My Aunt Bee died last week and last weekend John & I and some family members traveled to San Francisco to attend her funeral. Here are some pictures we took on the last day, I guess you could say on our way out of town. We didn't have much time to to play but we did get some siteseeing done.